Integrative nontoxic living begins at home.

Artisan Home Health is your trusted expert for modern nontoxic living.
We are here to help you discover safe options for your interior spaces as a foundation for health.


Are you curious if toxins are impacting your health or fertility?

Whether you’re prioritizing health for your family today or planning for the one you want to grow, we’ve got you. It’s time to integrate wellness into your living environment to optimize your health outcomes.


Thriving at Home

We reassure people that their journeys toward health are far from over.

With our knowledge and experience, we can help you realize your vision for yourself, your family, and your home. Health is about healing, and healing happens one room at a time. By making small changes, we can change our lives for the better—the power to lead full, purposeful, and healthy lives is in our hands.


Creating a Healthy Home You Love

We know there’s too much stress as it is between taking care of yourself & your loved ones, planning for parenthood, & managing a career.

It’s no wonder thinking about what’s going on in your home may not make it to the top of your list, and that’s why we’re here. We want to remove the stress, worry, and overwhelm that you feel. We want to help you optimize health by way of a nontoxic home.


Our Health is in Our Own Hands

Here, at Artisan Home Health, we believe in a fourth pillar of health — the health of your home.

We want to look at the products we’re purchasing, our daily habits, and the uniqueness of each home to support your nontoxic journey. Because the way we structure, organize, and design our homes creates a blueprint for health.

Did you know?

More than 85,000 chemicals are registered for use, and most of them have not been tested for safety by any regulatory body.

85,000 chemicals in use

At least 1/5 of the factors that affect our health come from within our homes. 85% of all diseases are influenced by environmental factors.

disease and environment

The EU has banned over 2000 chemicals while the US has only restricted 9.

chemicals banned in US

Today 1 in 6 couples will struggle to conceive. And this is largely linked to our exposures to chemicals & heavy metals in our environment.

fertility and toxins

Nearly 300 chemicals can be found in the cord blood of newborns in the US.

chemicals in cord blood

We know you care about investing in the best nontoxic options, but navigating through a sea of choices can make you feel like giving up.

We get it—you’re busy, and you need help weighing your options and what will work for you and your family.

We think of ourselves as artisans of your home’s health because we look at your home with thought, care, and intention so we can assess what’s happening on and underneath the surface. Our job is to understand the ins and outs of your environment and create a Blueprint that makes sense for you and works with your life.

Modern nontoxic living is about making simple and accessible lifestyle changes every day. The more we do, the more rich and fulfilling our homes, our health, and our lives will become.

Jennifer Murcin, founder of Artisan Home Health and nontoxic living consultant in Denver, Boulder, and surrounding areas in Colorado


Let’s Make One Lifestyle Change at a Time

Hello! I’m Jennifer Murcin, Social Worker, mother, & public health advocate.

In this work it is my hope that we promote transparency in products, prioritize families, & create a kindred community together.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


You can rest easy now knowing you’ve finally found a curated, nontoxic lifestyle design for your home.